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Coming soon!  Fiction,

    Political Thriller

Banana Leaves



Banana Leaves

Exciting News Alert!


I am thrilled to announce the launch of my latest novel, BONITA. (in ENGLISH)! Now available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. This journey has been an incredibly profound one for me. Diving deep into the research and writing of BONITA shook me to my very core, unraveling a story that I believe is not only compelling but also essential.BONITA is not just a book. It's a voyage into a world where political intrigue, historical fiction, and raw human emotions intertwine. Expect a rollercoaster of secrets, romance, love triangles, betrayals, and the quest for victory, love, and redemption.If your heart races for stories that transport you to another realm, where every turn of the page is a new discovery, then you will love BONITA.


Bonita: Novel



Available now on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.Dive into the intrigue and let the adventure begin. Your next favorite read awaits.#BONITA #NewRelease #MustRead #PoliticalThriller #HistoricalFiction #BookLaunch


**BONITA** is a riveting historical fiction novel set in Latin America during World War II, filled with unexpected twists that keep readers on the edge of their seats. Inés, an unemployed woman, returns to her homeland to work at a banana plantation, quickly becoming the face of the company and soaking in the idyllic life of the foreign enclave. However, her perspective is shattered when she discovers the dire living conditions of the locals, especially the indigenous peasants, under the thumb of a dictator supported by the American company she represents.

Confronted with a moral dilemma, Inés contemplates joining a revolutionary movement against the tyrant to alter her nation's destiny, risking betrayal of her employers. Her situation complicates further with a stirring reunion with a former lover, now a pivotal figure in the revolution, igniting a passionate love triangle that promises to change her fate.

As Inés battles against the government, the American corporation, and the CIA's involvement, she navigates through love, hatred, betrayal, and redemption, challenging greed and oppression. **BONITA** is more than a novel; it's a compelling journey that surprises and inspires, culminating in a striking and unforeseen finale.

available in Kindle too:



HABITS THAT HAUNT ME  -  Tan Cerca que no se Mira (Spanish versión)


A Fiction novel

Thriller - Mystery - Magic Realism

Available at:

Barnes and Nobel

Books A Million





Brisa, a career woman, is fighting reality through alcohol and self-abuse. After enduring a miscarriage and a walk-away husband, Brisa finds herself fighting her inner demons only to discover that the ones walking around are real. Selected for a highly-political construction project, Brisa stumbles into a spiritual mystery where the dead speaks from the walls that surround her. 

Traveling to the town where she was born and given up for adoption, Brisa falls in love with a handsome cowboy to discover that he is actually the enemy. Running away from another failed love, Brisa stumbles into the catacombs of the past while she searches for the lost spirits that are haunting her by asking the most invading questions.

Explore hidden passageways and tunnels as Brisa suffers through heartbreaks and tribulations to slowly untangle a web of a political corruption that just might kill her and the people she loves.

How does one fight off alcoholism when the demons are standing on your doorstep? Habits are what haunt Brisa in this psychological and spiritual thriller where she must fight two types of spirits - the ones that reside inside her head and the more friendlier ones that creep between her walls. After stumbling into a hidden political plot to cover up a family's murderous and terror-ridden past, Brisa fights to restore the greatness that once walked the halls of a Catholic girl's boarding school. The treasures and secrets she uncovers just might place her forever into a hidden catacomb - alive..



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Un viaje al interior de un volcán... una familia ambiciosa y las jóvenes tímidas que, sin mucho hablar, sacudieron un pueblo entero. Magia y verbo son los ingredientes fundamentales de esta gran historia, que reta al lector del primer al último párrafo. 

Andrés Correa Guatarasma / Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española


A journey into a volcano... an ambitious family, and the shy young women who, without much talk, shook a whole town. Magic and verb are the key ingredients of this great story, which challenges the reader from the first to the last paragraph.

Andrés Correa Guatarasma / North American Academy of the Spanish Language

This thought-provoking thriller, beautifully written, breaks through the barriers of a conventional gothic novel.   The author inter-weaves three different timelines and three different voices, not allowing the reader to put down the book from beginning to end. An impecable three-dimensional job that keeps the readers on the edge of their seats, wanting for more!   A true masterpiece!
Vida Amor de Paz
Columnist, Writer, TV Personality and Environmentalist
Winner of the Presidential Award 2010 in Guatemala, and Woman of the Year 2018.


.This website (Products)

. Barnes and Noble

. Amazon

. Floricanto Press

. Sophos

. Artemis y Edinter


Pueblo Nublado, 1931. Sofi, una maestra rural, llega a Casa Montesanto, situada al pie de un volcán en los bellos y misteriosos Bosques Nebulosos, para trabajar como asistente de las hermanas Vega. Muy pronto descubre que se encuentra al servicio de una oscura familia ávida de abolengo y riqueza, que oculta un siniestro pasado.


Cecilia, la hija menor, se ha visto obligada a crear su propio mundo de secretos para sobrevivir, después de un horrible trauma que la dejara sin habla. Al ayudarla, Sofi se embarca en una aventura de amor,  determinación y fortaleza que se prolonga hasta el presente, a través de su nieta, Camila. Al desenterrar todo el misterio familiar por medio de las pistas de Sofi, Camila descubre su propósito en la vida y el amor verdadero. Abuela y nieta narran la historia a dos voces.


Nacida en la ciudad de Guatemala, Patricia Sorg es una pintora internacional que ha expuesto su obra en muchas ciudades de las Américas y el Caribe, y ha ganado varios premios.


Cautivada por el colorido y belleza de su país natal, Patricia ha narrado muchísimas historias pictóricas a través de su arte desde muy joven. Esta evocación que le provoca su tierra, la lleva a lanzar su primera novela de ficción: Montañas Que Tocan El Cielo, en la cual, las costumbres y tradiciones de su gente cobran vida.


Adornada con detalles costumbristas y populares, así como coloridos personajes, y bellamente ilustrada con bocetos al óleo, pintados por ella misma, Patricia logra expresar el amor por su país que la ha inspirado en su carrera artística. Reside ahora en Sarasota, Florida, donde se dedica a su carrera creativa, exhibe su obra e imparte clases de arte.

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